Helping You Make The Mindset & Emotional Upgrades Required To Create Mental Calmness, Emotional Peace & Full Control Over Your Reactions

... in 12 weeks or less! (Money Back Guarantee!)



12 weeks to making your mind your greatest asset and mastering your emotional reactions.

Does This Sound Like You?

If one or more of these points resonates with you, you're in the right place.

  • You are driven and motivated with big dreams, but internally you experience intense anxiety, insecurities or unhelpful emotional patterns. You want to learn how to be the best possible version of you, but you see how these patterns are blocking you from finding the next steps.

  • You feel there is something from the past which is still niggling away & consuming your thoughts. You've tried other things like therapy and self learning but haven't found the information or tools you need in order to move on and let go.

  • Your relationships are being impacted by your emotions. Anger, frustration, snappiness and/or insecurities are causing challenges and end up leaving you feeling depleted and lost.

  • You are experiencing a current challenge, like a break up or loss, and want to learn how to navigate heavy emotions in the healthiest way possible, to move through this period as best you can with daily support from a professional.

Emotional Mastery is the #1 Program For High Performers, Parents and Aspiring Leaders To Find Healthier Ways To Navigate Sabotaging Emotional States.

The Emotional Mastery Framework Works.

You will learn and master two main skillsets; nervous system regulation and mind management. These skillsets help you master:

Emotional Regulation

Learn how to respond maturely, not react emotionally. Using the EM Framework, confidently work through any feelings of anxiety, anger, fear, stress or sadness..

Elite Communication

Master the art of expressing your thoughts, feelings and view points so you are heard & valued in your career, social life & relationships.

Mindset Management

Overcome any limiting belief or overthinking spiral with the simple 3 step Trigger Model tool. Works every single time to help you find more resourceful ways of thinking.

Value Aligned Decisions

Get great at making quick decisions that serve your future self are are aligned with your values and vision. Feel confident that you will have your own back no matter what the outcome is.

Secure Relationships

Become your most secure self in your romantic relationships, dissolving any insecurities, trust issues or sabotaging patterns.

Confidence & Authority

Upgrade your self concept so you know exactly how to be your magnificent self socially, in your relationships & in your career.

Your emotions are not meant to consume you. They aren’t meant to overwhelm you to the point of shutdowns or blow ups.

Therapy, Counselling, CBT didn't work?

This is common for high performers.

You didn’t see results in therapy because you are a results driven high performer that values efficiency; and therapy isn’t either of those.

Here are 3 things that will help you reach your goals instead:

→ Mind management tools

→ Nervous system regulation tools

→ An emotional mastery framework to help you navigate any big emotion, past, present or future

This is exactly what Emotional Mastery will teach you.

It's not just 'sitting and talking' about your problems. We provide you support every step of the way & teach you how to become a solid, strong and resilient human who can handle anything.

You didn’t see results in therapy because you are

a results driven high performer that values efficiency;

and therapy isn’t either of those.

Here are 3 things that will help you reach your goals instead:

→ Mind management tools

→ Nervous system regulation tools

→ An emotional mastery framework to help you navigate any big emotion, past, present or future

This is exactly what Emotional Mastery will teach you.

It's not just 'sitting and talking' about your problems. We provide you support every step of the way & teach you how to become a

solid, strong and resilient human

who can handle anything.

Stop Feeling Consumed By Your Emotions. Join Emotional Mastery And:

  • Learn our clear, science backed frameworks for mind management & emotional regulation and that work every single time.

  • Set clear & specific goals to help you become the person you need to be in order to reach your goals.

  • Feel supported with daily voice note & text access to Nikki, so she can guide you at any point throughout your program.

  • Finally get the answers you have been searching for with a coach who is committed to helping you create complete emotional mastery & mental wealth.

You don't need 3 years in therapy to reach your goals. You need simple, science backed tools and guidance from a coach who understands you deeply and wants to see you WIN.

Join Today

Transforming The Lives Of Hundreds of High Performers, Parents & Aspiring Leaders.

100% risk free - ask Nikki about your money back guarantee*

Here's what you get:

A 12 week coaching program including:

  • 4 x 1-1 Sessions (RRP $999 per session)

  • 3 Months Of Daily Telegram Support (priceless)

  • Lifetime Access to 12 Video Modules ($2000)

  • 12 Weeks access to The Academy - over 60+ hours of mindset courses and trainings ($3500)

  • 4 Assessments to measure progress ($99)

  • Workbook with all PDFs & worksheets ($99)

Total value: $9694

Your Price $2597

Never have to hire a therapist or coach again once you learn these two skillsets & feel empowered to navigate any challenge with confidence and power.

is for you if you're looking to:


Acknowledge & Heal

Unresolved Trauma


Overcome Anxiety


Build Healthy Secure Relationships


Improve Relationship With Your Body


Understand How To Use Your Mind


Navigating Success

Emotional Mastery Mastermind will take you out of the repeated 'healing' cycle you are currently on and help you feel strong, resilient and grounded.

Once you've mastered the Emotional Mastery Framework, life becomes easier.

Fast Track Your Way To A Healthy Mind With These Modules:

Join Emotional Mastery and get instant & lifetime access to the below video modules:

Module 1

Map Your Nervous System

→ Understand the way your body and mind work together based on your programming

→ Learn how to recognise and be aware as your body is shifting into each nervous system state

→ Regulation tools to manage/ re-program your nervous system to feel calm & grounded when anxiety is present

📈 So that you can tap into your inner power at any time, never needing anything externally from you to feel 'safe'.

Module 2

Subconscious Patterns

→ A lesson on neuroscience, and how your brain actually works. Feel empowered, understood & in command

→ Trauma & Trauma loops explained, and how to break patterns created from past traumatic events

→ Learn the #1 and only framework you need to dissolve deep rooted programs and patterns that no longer serve you

📈 So that you can break any pattern, belief or limitation now and in the future.

Module 3

Emotional intelligence

→ Learn everything you need to know about connecting with your emotions so they no longer control / overwhelm you

→ Learn emotional frequency, and how to transcend stuck or limited frequencies

→ Learn how to dissolve immature emotional patterns and become an adult in your communication

📈 So that you can navigate through challenges with more ease, confidence and an overall lighter feeling.

Module 4

Core Values & Identity

→ Create a list of value statements which represent who you are at your core

→ Understand WHO you are at your fullest expression so you can build and craft your life around these values

→ Learn how to shift into your new identity and shed the layers of your old self

📈 So that you can fully understand yourself in ways you've never experienced before.

Module 5

Bulletproofing Your Mindset

→ Learn & master the 7 elements to creating bulletproof mindset; Self Awareness, Growth Mindset, Resilience, Faith, Emotional Regulation, Self Care, Compassion

→ Develop unwavering self belief & learn how to become your own best friend & biggest cheerleader so you can have your own back no matter what

📈 So that you can become your own best friend, living your life at a standard you are happy with.

Module 6


→ Understand your communication style & learn how to communicate clearly & openly in any situation

→ Heal your insecure attachments for good by following my secure attachment framework

→ Learn how to build safe, meaningful connections with confidence

📈 So that you can build the most loving and connected relationships of your life.

Access everything you need to create mental & emotional mastery so you can enjoy life again:

100% risk free - ask Nikki about your money back guarantee*

Here's what you get:

A 12 week coaching program including:

  • 4 x 1-1 Sessions (RRP $999 per session)

  • 3 Months Of Daily Telegram Support (priceless)

  • Lifetime Access to 12 Video Modules ($2000)

  • 12 Weeks access to The Academy - over 60+ hours of mindset courses and trainings ($3500)

  • 4 Assessments to measure progress ($99)

  • Workbook with all PDFs & worksheets ($99)

Total value: $9694

Your Price $2597

Fast Track Your Way To A Healthy Mind With These Modules:

You will have lifetime access to the below video modules:

Module 3

Emotional intelligence

→ Learn everything you need to know about connecting with your emotions so they no longer control / overwhelm you

→ Master the art of emotional regulation and reclaim your inner calmness & peace

→ Dissolve all your old & un-serving emotional patterns including anxiety, anger, shame, frustration

📈 So that you can navigate through challenges with more ease, confidence and an overall lighter feeling.

Module 1

Map Your Nervous System

→ Understand the way your body and mind work together based on your programming

→ Learn how to recognise and be aware as your body is shifting into each nervous system state

→ Regulation tools to manage/ re-program your nervous system to feel calm & grounded when anxiety is present

📈 So that you can tap into your inner power at any time, never needing anything externally from you to feel 'safe'.

Module 2

Subconscious Patterns

→ A lesson on neuroscience, and how your brain actually works. Feel empowered, understood & in command

→ Trauma & Trauma loops explained, and how to break patterns created from past traumatic events

→ Learn the #1 and only framework you need to dissolve deep rooted programs and patterns that no longer serve you

📈 So that you can break any pattern, belief or limitation now and in the future.

Module 6


→ Understand your communication style & learn how to communicate clearly & openly in any situation

→ Heal your insecure attachments for good by following my secure attachment framework

→ Learn how to build safe, meaningful connections with confidence

📈 So that you can build the most loving and connected relationships of your life.

Module 4

Core Values & Identity

→ Create a list of value statements which represent who you are at your core

→ Understand WHO you are at your fullest expression so you can build and craft your life around these values

→ Learn how to shift into your new identity and shed the layers of your old self

📈 So that you can fully understand yourself in ways you've never experienced before.

Module 5

Bulletproofing Your Mindset

→ Learn & master the 7 elements to creating bulletproof mindset; Self Awareness, Growth Mindset, Resilience, Faith, Emotional Regulation, Self Care, Compassion.

→ Increase the quality of your thoughts using these 7 principles

→ Develop unwavering self belief & learn how to become your own best friend & biggest cheerleader so you can have your own back no matter what

📈 So that you can become your own best friend, living your life at a standard you are happy with.

Why Join Emotional Mastery Mastermind?

We are different. Here's why 👇🏼

You have access to video recorded content, group Q&A's, 1-1 coaching and opportunities to ask questions throughout the whole 12 weeks.

Without fail, if you implement as explained you will create huge internal shifts towards your goals.

This will help you get out of the self development 'healing' journey once and for all. You won't need to search for anything else to help you 'heal' after this.

This is a full spectrum solution to mental & emotional mastery and... we deeply care about you and your results.

My approach is no BS, no FLUFF. I teach complex and high level theories in bitesize chunks so you can learn & apply with simplicity.

My teachings are science backed, inclusive of NLP and Positive Psychology to create permanent behaviour change.

Transformations Are Our Thing.

See For Yourself 👀

Hear Jas's Story 👇🏼

Start Today With Our Flexible Payment Plan.

Tired of winging it? A structured plan & daily support awaits...

Pay In full


  • Save $ when you pay in full

  • Instant access to all content

  • Book your first session within the next 7 days

Safe & Secure Payments

3 months


  • Spread the cost over 3 months

  • Instant access to all content

  • Book your first session within the next 7 days

Safe & Secure Payments

4 months


  • Spread the cost over 4 months

  • Instant access to all content

  • Book your first session within the next 7 days

Safe & Secure Payments

Still On The Fence? How is this for a guarantee.


Our Guarantee.

I know how it feels to try so many things but nothing really 'sticks' or gets you to the desired outcome you want, so here are my guarantees to help you with making this commitment.

1️⃣ I guarantee this program holds all the information you need to create emotional mastery.

2️⃣ Follow all the steps I give you throughout the whole 12 weeks and you are guaranteed to increase your confidence, reduce your anxiety and make your mind a healthier, happier place to be. If you don't achieve your goals, Mind Health School has a money back guarantee.

Self Mastery Coach &

Trauma Specialist.

Self Mastery Coach & Trauma Specialist.

Hi, I'm Nikki. Founder & Coach at Mind Health School. I learnt the long, expensive & time consuming way (& now I can make it 10X easier for YOU!)

Things you should know about me:

→ I've been in the self growth game for over 10 years, I've learned from the best in the industry of Psychology, Wellbeing, Mindset, Trauma & Coaching.

I am a 'walk the walk' kind of coach. My teaching style is not just regurgitated content from other coaches, it is my own work & wisdom.

→ In my late teens / early 20's I was anxious, avoidant, closed off & completely unaware of it all. I just thought this was how I was meant to feel, this is how life was. Until I began to explore my inner world.

→ I worked with my first coaching client in 2017 and founded Mind Health School in 2019. My mission is to raise the self awareness and emotional intelligence of every individual around the world.

I swear by everything I share with you because these are the exact tools I personally used to master my confidence and create a calm mind & emotional control. I have since helped hundreds of others do the same.

Will you be next?


Our Frequently asked questions

What kind of things will we cover in Emotional Mastery Mastermind?

Everything from your childhood, relationship with your parents, past relationships, career, social life and everything in between. Nothing is off limits, so whatever you want to go into, you can. Nikki will also guide you to specific places for us to explore together. There are 6 modules which you will get lifetime access to, including all the updates (yep - for life!).

What is Nikki qualified in?

Nikki is a certified Trauma Support Specialist, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Time Line Therapist, Health Coach, Nutrition Advisor, Mental Health First Aider. As well as having 10 years personal experience in the self growth game herself!

I have trauma, is this a good fit?

YES! Nikki is a trauma informed coach, and I deeply care about your inner state. She understands how to work with the nervous system and how to help you manage your internal state so you can heal & feel in complete control of your mind whilst you grow.

Does this only work for females?

The methods and frameworks I use are applicable to anyone with a mind, so this is open to anyone. Nikki highly recommends both men & women to apply for the Mastermind.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! You can select the payment plan which is most suited to you above.

I worry that there is not enough 1-1 time. Can you advise?

The mastermind is a combination of everything you need to learn. This means you get online modules, daily touch points with Nikki via voice note, weekly group check ins AND 1-1 calls with Nikki. This Mastermind is everything you need to reach your mindset & emotional goals, and many people complete the 12 weeks without using all of their 1-1 calls!